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Cigar Guide - Latest and Greatest

5th Sep 2022

We have been blessed and fortunate that we are expanding, and what that entails, that we are expanding our factory. We are now moving into a free zone and it's called Casamorabo.

Hi, and welcome to another episode of Mondays with Mardo. I'm Gerard, and this week we're going to discuss what's the latest and greatest with us. That is a question I've been getting a lot lately. "Hey, Gerard, are you working on a new blend?" "Hey, what's going on? What's new? What's happening?" On a personal level, not a whole lot. Got kids going on. That's basically, like everybody else. But when it comes to Jake Wyatt Cigar Company, we have been blessed and fortunate that we are expanding, and what that entails, that we are expanding our factory. We are now moving into a free zone, and it's called Casamorabo. And that is going to be just a little bit under 20,000 square feet. It is in the final stages for the last three months, but that's how things go in the Dominican Republic. It's an island. It's a slower place of life, and that's just how it is. But no, in all honest truth, it is almost completed. We're very excited.

We're going to have a lot of new, exciting projects coming out with Jake Wyatt Cigar Company, and who knows what other doors are going to open up. So, that's the latest and greatest with us. Stay tuned for pictures, videos, to show you guys the new place. We're super excited. I haven't been down there in a few months, so I think it's time to head down there and check it out. So, I hope the people in the Dominican Republic see this video, so they can get things done a little bit faster, so I can come and visit you. I'll see you guys next week. Remember to follow us on Instagram, like us on Facebook, and please tell your friends to subscribe to our YouTube channel so we can bring you more content. See you guys.