Cigar Guide – Best Cigars to Smoke in the Morning
Posted by Tyler Enos on 17th Feb 2020
What's up, everybody? This is Neil with
Today we are coming at you with a three-part series and we're going to start it
off with the best cigars to be smoking in the morning. Before we get going,
make sure to hit that subscribe button so you can be notified every Monday when
we come out with new videos.All right, we're going to kick off this three-part series
with the best sticks to smoke in the morning. Now, this is right up my alley
because I'm a buttery, creamy Connecti
Boutique Cigars - Sinistro in the House!
Posted by Tyler Enos on 27th Jan 2020
What's up everybody. This is Gerard with
We have a special guest with us today. James from Sinistro. Thanks for coming
here.Thanks for having me.Welcome Sinistro!Sinistro is our best selling boutique brand on our
website. But before we get going, I'm going to ask you to click on that
subscribe button, and also click on the bell to be notified for every single
new episode of Mondays With Mardo's. Okay, so to bring you guys up to speed a
little bit Sinistro and Mardo Cigars
Cigar Guide - Repairing a Damaged Cigar Wrapper
Posted by Tyler Enos on 24th Jan 2020
I got a question for you. Have you ever bought one of your
favorite sticks for 10 to 15 bucks and you walk outside and it falls out of
your hand onto the hard floor and you get a big crack right in the middle of
it? Well, that's exactly what this video is about, is to show you precisely how
to repair this thing. Stay tuned to the end because there's a special offer
coming as well.This is Neil with and you're watching
Mondays with Mardo's. Before we get going, make sure to h
Cigar Guide How to Tell if Your Humidor is Sealed Properly
Posted by Tyler Enos on 23rd Dec 2019
What's going on everyone. This is Gerard with And having a beautiful humidor is truly a luxury in your
great, great hobby, but you want to make sure that the humidor is keeping a
great seal to make sure that your cigars are safely secure and ready to smoke.But before we get started, I want to ask you guys to watch
until the end of the video so you guys can see what's special we're given away,
and you need to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe
Beginners Guide On Cigar Cutters
16th Dec 2019
What's going on, everyone? This is Gerard with and today we have some great information on cigar cutters. As a
beginner, it can be very frustrating and can even be tricky on what kind of
cigar cutter you want to use and what type of cut you want to use on different
types of cigars. So, today we have four different kinds of cigar cards that
we're going to go through. So, before I even get started, I need you to click
on that subscribe button, tell your buddies about our chan