Indulge in the rich and captivating world of Davidoff Late Hour cigars. These exceptional cigars are a testament to the artistry and dedication of Davidoff's master blenders.
Crafted to perfection, the Davidoff Late Hour cigars feature a specially aged, dark, and oily Ecuadorian wrapper that is as exquisite to behold as it is to taste. The blend is meticulously curated, featuring a mix of Dominican binder and filler tobaccos that have undergone additional aging in single malt Scotch whisky casks from the highlands of Scotland. This unique aging process imparts a distinct complexity and a harmonious fusion of flavors.
The Late Hour experience is one of sophistication and depth. With every draw, you'll encounter notes of dark chocolate, leather, oak, and a subtle sweetness, all underscored by a gentle hint of whisky. These cigars are a true delight for those who appreciate the finer things in life.
Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just beginning your cigar journey, Davidoff Late Hour cigars offer a luxurious escape into a realm of unparalleled flavor and refinement. Elevate your smoking experience with Late Hour, and savor the moments of relaxation and contemplation it brings.