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How to Smoke A Cigar For Beginners

How to Smoke A Cigar For Beginners

Posted by Leah Roberts on 11th Jan 2019

Have you ever been in a situation where someone has offered you a cigar as a celebratory gesture? Maybe your friend just got a new job, bought a new house, had a baby, closed a big deal at work?So the gentleman whip out a few cigars to celebrate. And you’ve never smoked a cigar before. Your panic sets in. You don’t want to look like a fool in front of your friends because you’ve never smoked one before?Well I suppose now is as good a time as any to learn wouldn’t you say?May as well discover how …
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Mardo’s Top 5 Best Cigars For Beginners

Posted by Leah Roberts on 11th Jan 2019

Perhaps you are in the market to taste test a few different cigars for the first time? But much like Jon Snow, you know nothing… about cigars at least.Well that’s just fine my friend. Mardo’s is here to help you make the ultimate best choice for your first round of cigar tasting.You will want to start with lighter flavors in the beginning, finding the flavor you like without overwhelming yourself with too much flavor- you’ll get there eventually.It’s dangerous to start out with a full- bodied ci …
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