Arturo Fuente Chateau
Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente presents cigar aficionados with a storied lineup of cedar-wrapped cigars made with the utmost care in the Dominican Republic. These classic offerings come in Natural, Maduro and Sun Grown varieties, all of which are packed with flavor and character. The Natural blend is characterized by its golden Connecticut Shade wrapper, while the Maduro features a dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper adding its signature intensity to each puff. The Arturo Fuente Chateau Sun Grown has its bold Ecuador wrapper that provides an especially firm burn as you savor its full-bodied and robustly spicy notes. Whichever Arturo Fuente Chateau cigar you choose, you can be confident knowing it’s a longstanding recipe crafted by one of the most respected brands in the world today. So why not join the legions of Arturo Fuente admirers without delay?