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Beginner Cigar Guide - Boveda Humidor Starter Kits

10th Jan 2022

Hi and welcome to another episode of Mondays with Mardo's. I'm Gerard, and this week we're going to go over some Boveda kits that's going to be very, very appealing to your needs.

Anyways, before I get going, I need you click on the subscribe button, click on the bell to be notified every single week of new episodes on Mondays with Mardo's.

All right. So if you are confused and don't know how to utilize any of this Boveda in your brand new humidor, we got you covered. If you go to, we have a tab on our splash page. It says Boveda. When I click on that, it'll basically make it a lot easier for you if you have wood humidor or acrylic humidor, airtight humidor, whatever kind of humidor you have, we got you covered.

But however, this is for wooden humidors and if you have a brand new humidor that you've never had before, you need to get it started, we got that covered. And then we also have a kit that if you're already a person that has humidor, you want to replace it to a bigger one, or you want to get a newer one, we got you covered as well. So I'll go right into it.

Boveda came out with a starter kit. This is for a brand new humidor and this one and this one have two purposes. This one's up to 50 cigars and this one's up to 100 cigars. The instructions are in the back. It is very, very simple. When you have a brand new humidor, it's wood, you're going to take out the 84% RH humi-packs. You're going to place them in your humidor for 14 days. Do not touch it. Open it, discard the 80% RH humidification packets. And then you're going to replace them with this 72%. This is for wood humidors up to 50 or up to 100. We have these on

Now, if you already have a humidor and you want to get a newer one or you're running out of space and you have a bunch of cigars that you don't know what to do with, you don't want them to go bad, we have created a humidifcation system and this is called a seasoning kit for another humidor.

Now, prior to them making this, we had already worked with Boveda and made this. So let's say you already have a humidor, right? You want to replace it or you want to get a bigger one. You have a bunch of cigars. You don't want them to go bad when you want to season your new humidor. This bag comes with our kit. You put all your cigars in this bag. It's good up to one year.

Now we broke it down even to more of a scientific method. We have in here 84% RH. If you have 25 to 50 count humidor, if you have 50 to 75 count, if you have 75 to 100 count or even up to 125 count, basically, this is 100 to 125 count humidor.

So whatever your needs are, hope this makes it much, much easier. I know it's a lot of information, but you can always rewind the video and watch it again. Other than that, let me know on comments what you do to season your humidor.

And by the way, before I get going, it is okay if the Boveda pouch touches your cigars. It does not ruin it.

I'll see you guys next week. Remember to follow us on Instagram, like us on Facebook and remember to tell your friends to subscribe to our YouTube channel. See you guys.